Since we are a member of PrimeTimers Worldwide, with over 80 chapters, membership in PTOD entitles you to participate in affiliate chapter events when you travel. Your membership badge grants you entry to those affiliate club outings.
Online or Print or come to a Monday Mixer
PAYMENT Possibilities
Make check payable to:
PrimeTimers of The Desert.
PO Box 4508, Palm Springs, CA 92263
Or, pay at Monday Mixer in cash or check
Or pay online
We recommend you make payments via Zelle to
For instructions to set up a Zelle account visit FAQs Page
NOTE: Must Include a note specifying the purpose of your payment (e.g., “Membership Dues – 2025” or “Event Name”), and including your name if your Zelle profile name is different from your PToD membership name.
Members will receive the monthly PTOD Newsletter electronically each month. Newsletters are also available on the website. Any member failing to receive one may notify us ( directly. Current event listings are updated at least weekly on this site. Members who move need to inform the Membership Director thirty days in advance of the actual move. Be sure to add all changes into the email.
Dues Structure and Membership Application Process
Membership is based on a floating twelve month period. When your application and check are received and processed, you will receive a membership card (and one for your partner if applicable) noting the expiration month and year.
Membership Fees
The 12-month membership fee is $30.00 for a single member, or $50.00 for a couple. The renewal fee is $20.00 for a single member, or $35.00 for a couple.
A “couple” means two members receiving mail at the same address. They receive only one mailing addressed to both persons. Both persons have equal membership rights. Only one mailing address is maintained in our database.
On the membership application
• Please provide your email address, if you have one. Couples may list separate email addresses.
• Consider to list your birthday(s) so that we may recognize it (them) in the newsletter (List Month and Day, year is voluntary).
• If you spend part of the year out of the area, then be sure to notify us and change your address or suspend mailings while you are gone. If your address, phone, or email changes, please notify us promptly.
• Be sure to sign the application.
• Make sure your check, payable to PrimeTimers of the Desert, is enclosed and mail to:
__PrimeTimers of the Desert, PO Box 4508, Palm Springs, CA 92263.
Be a Volunteer!
Throughout the year, we need members to assist with various events, projects, and tasks related to many activities, including assisting at mixers, checking in members at events, producing newsletter content, participating in Pride events, helping at pool parties and potluck dinners, and much, much more. Volunteering is a great way to meet other members and have fun at the same time. If you would like to help, then please check the “I’ll BE A VOLUNTEER” box on the membership application.
There is no assurance that we will call you, and if we do, you have no obligation to say “yes” for the specific task or date that we may be calling about at the time. If you are on our volunteer list, then we simply know that it is OK to call you and see if you might be available.
Thank you for your interest in joining us.